
Plasma Agriculture Development

Atmospheric plasma is like putting a handful of "lightning" into a box, so that crops can germinate and grow more efficiently without relying on soil.



After a thunderstorm, the soil becomes especially fertile.

Because lightning activates the composition of the atmosphere, atmospheric plasma is like putting a handful of “lightning” into a box and importing it into agricultural cultivation, so that crops can germinate and grow more efficiently without relying on soil.

Plasma aerosol farming and general farming

Using a high-pressure nozzle to physically change the tap water into a water mist, the moment when it is mixed with the air, a plasma electric shock is applied to activate potential molecules, so that the seemingly ordinary water mist adds a lot of nutrients and is more beneficial to the roots. It not only shortens the growth cycle, but also controls the amount of water for irrigation, and greatly reduces the use of chemical fertilizers. It can also harvest new and beautiful fruits and vegetables. It can also break through the area limitation of general soil cultivation through three-dimensional devices, greatly improving crop yield efficiency.